Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Stay at home parenting III

As my wife and I are hitting the deadline for figuring out what we're going to do for childcare when she is scheduled to go back to work in Feb, it has brought a new sense of urgency for us to investigate whether one of us should stay at home. Last night I had some time to do some research when the family went to bed and I came across a couple of good articles to gain some insight from:

Calculating the true cost of working vs. full-time parenting
This short article brings out some good points as to cots incurred from working vs. staying home. Written from a slightly different perspective then we're in, this mom is weighing going back to work.

Forum at iVilliage: Stay at home or work debate
Interesting opinions and ideas from those going through the same decision as we are ... as well as those very entrenched in their decisions :)
Great site that I will definitely be consulting if I decide to stay at home. Tons of articles and ideas from those already doing it!

The Stay-at-Home Parent Survival Guide by Christina Tinglof
Found this on Amazon. Looks like a must have if the decision goes towards 'yes'.

These are the few that I perused last night before I succumbed to the tiredness. Right now we're leaning toward one of us staying home or coming up with some type of "hybrid" solution of work and home.
If you have gone through this or have any ideas, let me know!!


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