Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Polyphasic Sleep for Parents - Part 1

I've always been interested in sleep and a recent series on Steve Pavlina's blog hooked me even more. There are many different ways of sleeping. Monophasic is the 'norm' for most people ... 6-9 hours per night of sleep and then awake (or at least mostly awake) for the rest of the day. Polyphasic sleep involves taking short 20 - 30 minute 'naps' at 6 intervals per day. For example, you would take this nap at 5am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm, and 1am. The thought process is that REM sleep is the most important sleep for rejuvenating your mind (and usually one of the last phases in a normal sleep cycle). If you deprive yourself of enough sleep, your body will skip the NREM sleep (the first couple phases in a normal sleep cycle), and will adapt by allowing you to fall into REM sleep within a couple of minutes. There are no major scientific studies that I can find on polyphasic sleeping ... just a good amount of blogs chronicly attempts, failures, and successes with a polyphasic sleep schedule.
The reason I bring this up is I believe a polyphasic sleep schedule would be something that could revolutionize those first couple months of parenting. The #1 complaint I always hear from parents of newborns and infants is the lack of sleep and constant zombie-like state they are in. What if you could condition yourself to only need these short 20-30 minute 'naps' and still be awake, and most importantly, alert throughout the rest of the day (and night). I'm going to spend a good amount of today doing some research on this topic. In my next post, I'll link to some blogs and other sites that describe polyphasic sleep as well as some that document people's attempts at sleeping polyphasically (I may have made that last word up ).


At 12/13/2005 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But if new parents actually get enough rest, and are able to skip out on the fine art of sleep deprevation, then what are they supposed to complain about?

As far as fathers go, we don't have much ammunition when it comes to laying guilt trips on our children. We don't give birth, and we generally don't breastfeed them. A lack of sleep is all we have!

At 12/14/2005 10:35 PM, Blogger D said...

ha ha ha ... good point! Well big day is tomorrow and I still haven't done quite enough research on the topic as this kind of snuck up on me. I'll let you know if I give it a try ... If I do, I'll have to find some other reason to complain with all my extra time :)

At 12/16/2005 2:26 AM, Blogger Sean said...

My wife and I have just recently started trying for children, and so I've had kids on my mind.

I've been doing polyphasic sleeping now for nearly 4 and a half weeks, and the idea that I would be able to easily sustain the early days of parenthood is one of the main topics that pleased my wife with the experiment.

I've got some research and musings on the subject, in addition to my tracking of progress at my polynapping blog.

Sleep well...
...on Polyphasic Sleep.
...on Personal Development.


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