Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Stay at home dad - Part 1

I've been mulling over the idea of becoming a stay at home dad over the past month, but have yet to really think it through. I work full time right now. My wife works part-time. We've been lucky enough to only have to put our 2 year old into daycare 2 days a week from 8am to 2pm. My mother has been taking him another 2 days a week from 9am to 12pm (when I come over my lunch break and take him home for a nap). There are a couple of aspects I need to look at...

1) Who is raising my child
2) Socializing my child
3) Money
4) My career aspirations

I'm sure there are many more aspects I'll dig up along the way, but I'll focus on these 4 first. As I research, think, and post, please let me know your thoughts/ideas/tools.


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